Please note that this feature may not be available to all users immediately. We appreciate your patience as we gradually expand its availability to ensure a seamless and reliable experience for everyone.
Please note that this feature may not be available to all users immediately. We appreciate your patience as we gradually expand its availability to ensure a seamless and reliable experience for everyone.
- Within the "Basket" section, choose the specific basket you want to buy.
- Tap the "Buy Basket" option to start the buy process.
- Select the account from your portfolio that you wish to use to buy the basket.
- Specify the purchase amount or percentage you'd like to allocate to the basket.
- Tap "Continue" to proceed to the next step.
- Preview the transactions that make up the basket.
- Tap "Confirm" to complete the basket purchase.
Congratulations, you're done!
Funding sources may appear ineligible when:
- The balance is below $50 (or equivalent in your designated currency).
- The asset is the same cryptocurrency in the basket.
- It’s a staking account.
- The asset can’t be sold within Uphold.
- The asset has been halted.
To view basket-related transactions, go to Transaction history or Activity and look for the assets marked with a cube icon.
The purchase amount is evenly distributed among the assets included in the basket. For example, if you buy the Big Three basket (BTC, ETH and XRP) for $120, you’ll own $40 of each asset.
If any individual transaction within the basket fails, the entire basket purchase will be canceled.